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by Lori Ann Gonzales

Today is December 25, 2020. 

At exactly 4:30 am MST, I heard a bell in the faint distance.  As I focused, I could listen to it was the sound of a large old church bell.  Ding! Ding!  The sound bounced from one side of the bell to the other. I know there are none anywhere near my area that would sound close to this.  I closed my eyes and followed the sound to my feet.  I could hear coming from under the ground.  Not on top of the earth, but from inside the planet, under my home.  

A light hint of a tone comes through. It's obvious it's not of this dimension and equally aligned with this one. A few months ago, some shared they heard sounds floating across the oceans like waves of sobbing.  Others heard sounds of heavy military trucks that rumbled under your feet, nowhere near your area. Also heard across from miles apart.

I stopped and heard my angel speak to me.  Softly the voice said, "yes, it was us." My hair raised across my shoulders like I was just tickled with a white feather.  My face started to smile, and then I asked, "is it for something good"?  Instantly, an incredible feeling of warmth that came from nowhere filled up my chest.  It seemed to keep expanding, so much I thought it couldn't get any larger. I took in a breath, and inside of my body was overcome with the sensation of joy and peace.

When I exhaled, I heard music playing.  Harps and humming with such precision, I knew it came from my angel.  My breaths became more in-depth and intense.  Like I was trying to breathe in the experience, bringing it back into my body.  As I inhaled, the warmth swirled in and around me, from my head to my feet.

I walked upstairs to my office and sat at my desk.  The center of my chest was now feeling a "tugging" sensation.  It was not painful but intense.  I sat up straight and inhaled a deep cleansing breath, calling my angel to speak to me.  To verify what I just experienced and clarify its meaning.  This is what I experienced:

I heard a voice say, "Yes, I am here.  Others are here for you.  The bells were real like we showed you.  We are moving them to share with the world.  Celebrate with us for victory is coming.  Revel in the love that has taken place through the night. People from everywhere will feel the positive healing light and love the energy sent from the star of hope. 
Today, people heard, felt, and saw the bells ringing, and they will want to celebrate with us. Yes, we are here for all those that choose to follow the light of hope, and we will continue to guide you".

With small tears welling in my eyes, I thanked them aloud as they sound and vibrations faded into the distance. The true meaning of love comes from the depth inside of each of us. 
We choose to open up allow all love to come in.  Enjoy this day fully ~ not from the past nor the future, but at the moment just for you.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. God reigns . God bless all and you for your big heart.

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful message! Sending you blessings!

  3. The 3 days leading to the great conjunction, I have spontaneously awakened at 3:40. Each time I have meditated, and the 4th morning I arose at 5 and meditated again. It's as if I am being instructed to do so, as if it is part of an initiation. This present energy is very powerful - all at once expansive and peaceful. Yesterday I kept getting ringing in my ears. Not the bells you speak of, but I took it as message from spirit. What an amazing time to be alive!

  4. Thank you Lori Ann for sharing this beautiful experience with us. Yes indeed love is all we need. The rest is byproducts. Blessed be.💖

  5. four words are a blessing to the world. I had ringing in my ears today. I kept gulping but I never shifted the sound or feelings. I felt at peace and happy. i was getting dressed for Christmas dinner and thought wow i just want to go with the flow and that good things are coming. In janaury 2020 i had a dream that I was above the earth looking down and I could see the chakra circled around the earth. I Knew something was coming and it was going to effect the world but I did not understand the magnitude. This whole year has been facing myself and opening to the world. I was told once that when you are awakening or woke as they say. Challenges come your way, like test to show you clearly what your personal truth is. Your experience for me is another confirmation of change love and blessings. Your words have left me feeling loved within my soul as I do believe that angles are real. I have a path to follow I've always known but fear riddled me in the past. I'm now opening to what can be, what is real what is unconditional love for self and the world. This is why we are having this experience so why not flow with it embrass your true self even if perceived different. I'm living it and will continue to live in gratitude. Thank you for reading my thoughts x💜

  6. I didn't hear any bells or music today. I just had a quiet day by myself of doing absolutely nothing.
    I do say that the entire world can use so love and peace in each and everyone's lives.
    Blessed Be everyone


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